A Low FODMAP Diet for Gut Health: Relief for IBS, ME/CFS, and Fibromyalgia
ME/CFS patients have rates of IBS higher than the general public. A low FODMAP diet is the best supported diet to improve the condition.
Strategies to Counter Muscle Loss in Severe ME/CFS Patients
The detrimental effects of immobility on the whole person cannot be understated. Bed rest can prevent ME/CFS improvement. This post looks at the effects of immobility with a focus on muscle.
Garlic for Gut Health
Love it or hate it, garlic is not to be ignored in the kitchen. Used for millennium for medical purposes, the culinary gem is extensively studied for immunity and antimicrobial properties.
The Importance of Natural Light for ME/CFS Patients
Home confinement limits access to natural light. Lack of sunlight leads to far more than vitamin D deficiency. Light therapy is essential.
Oxygen Therapy and Breathing Techniques for Severe ME/CFS
Bed rest can decrease lung volumes and reduce blood oxygenation, resulting in hypoxia. Even mild hypoxia can change the heart rate, increase stress hormones, cause cognitive deficits, and more. Medical and alternative respiratory treatments may help
Cannabidiol (CBD) for Fibromylagia Pain
The U.S. cannabis oil market has also exploded to a cool $950 million. But how effective is it for pain relief?
Updated Approach to Fasting
The field of fasting science is rapidly expanding. With new evidence, find out how to refine and optimize your strategy.
Are You Histamine Intolerant?
If you have headaches, nasal congestion, low blood pressure, heart palpitations, hives, itching, or digestive distress, you may be histamine intolerant.
When diets work, and when they don't
Tried all the popular dietary approaches purported to improve health in others but still not improving? It is unlikely you’re doing it wrong but there are caveats.
Protein for Severe ME/CFS: Prevent Muscle Loss & Boost Recovery
If you have ME/CFS, chances are you’re not eating enough protein. The loss of lean mass in a bed bound patient can be 100-200 grams/week, with the effects most pronounced in the first few weeks.
Candida Got Your Tongue? A Fresh Look at Oral Health and the Microbiome
Gut health and dysbiosis talk are currently all the rage but remember that the gastrointestinal tract begins in the mouth. For years I was plagued with poor dental health. All I needed was a new toothpaste.
Curcumin: A Natural Ally for Fatigue and Inflammation
Curcumin has a long history of use in Ayruvedic medicine for maintaining a healthy inflammatory response. Regular curcumin supplementation relieves brain fog, pain, allodynia, and fatigue.
An Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Fatigue and Pain
What is an anti-inflammatory diet really? Learn the foods to routinely include in your diet to reduce inflammation and the laboratory tests to measure your progress.
What is a Low Histamine Diet?
An intolerance to histamine is not considered a typical food allergy, but a pseudo-food allergy. Just as with a typical food allergy, avoidance is key. Read what foods are highest in histamine.
5 Ways Viruses Hijack Your Mitochondria
Many common viruses rely on hijacking your cell’s mitochondria in order to replicate and thrive. With exquisite execution, viruses have developed tactics akin to a well-planned siege. Espionage, blitzkrieg, intracellular mutiny…viruses are often victorious, causing long term problems for the host.
Lessons Learned from Tracking Sleep for 9 Months
I wanted to look more closely at my sleep habits to see if I could pinpoint clues that could then be influenced to achieve better sleep. I began to track aspects of my sleep using an app called Sleep Cycle. The results may surprise you…
3 Supplements to Jumpstart Ketosis
Not sure if you’re in nutritional ketosis? You might need an edge to switch over your metabolism. Here are 3 supplemental tricks to help you transition into a ketone burning machine.
A Keto Diet for ME/CFS & Fibro
Have you heard about a ketogenic diet? This is a diet those in the ME/CFS and Fibro community might want to get to know...mitochondrial, immune cell, and brain effects explained
Moldy? How to Treat Mold Illness
Unresponsive to traditional treatments? Mold toxin exposure may be holding you back.
Moldy? 4 Ways to Test for Mold Illness & Mycotoxins
With a weakened immune system, the uphill battle to improve ME/CFS can be insurmountable if your everyday environment is against you. One such obstacle may be mold. Find out how to determine if mold is a problem for you…