Why Functional Medicine Makes Sense for ME/CFS
Patients are more complex than their disease or symptoms. Functional medicine aims to be medicine for the individual, not the disease itself. Modern times and modern illness demand better medicine.
Why Cytokines Worsen Symptoms in Chronic Fatiguing Illness
Cytokine-induced sickness behaviors make up the cardinal symptoms of ME/CFS: fatigue, exercise intolerance, flu-like symptoms, cognitive problems. Learn how cytokines act on the brain to cause these sickness experiences and potential ways to mitigate their effects.
All About Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO)
Overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine can essentially “crowd-out” normal digestive processes at the intestinal surface leading to carbohydrate and protein malabsorption. Find out who is at risk of SIBO, how to test for it, and what to do to treat it.
Moldy? 4 Ways to Test for Mold Illness & Mycotoxins
With a weakened immune system, the uphill battle to improve ME/CFS can be insurmountable if your everyday environment is against you. One such obstacle may be mold. Find out how to determine if mold is a problem for you…
Have you been told all your test results are normal?
Excessive lab testing is one of the leading expenses in healthcare for CFS despite the lack of a definitive diagnostic marker. When assessing a complex illness like CFS, laboratory evaluations may be informative but are seldom definitive. Find a better way in my new guide book.
How to Biohack CFS or Fibromyalgia
Biohacking played a key role in my CFS recovery and I continue to find new ways to optimize my health so that I can prevent relapse.
Do you have experience with a N=1 experiment?
Should We All Go Gluten-Free?
A recent study looked at gluten-free diets for fibromyalgia patients. The results? Over half of the patients improved and some entered complete remission!