Garlic for Gut Health
Love it or hate it, garlic is not to be ignored in the kitchen. Used for millennium for medical purposes, the culinary gem is extensively studied for immunity and antimicrobial properties.
Updated Approach to Fasting
The field of fasting science is rapidly expanding. With new evidence, find out how to refine and optimize your strategy.
When diets work, and when they don't
Tried all the popular dietary approaches purported to improve health in others but still not improving? It is unlikely you’re doing it wrong but there are caveats.
Protein for Severe ME/CFS: Prevent Muscle Loss & Boost Recovery
If you have ME/CFS, chances are you’re not eating enough protein. The loss of lean mass in a bed bound patient can be 100-200 grams/week, with the effects most pronounced in the first few weeks.
An Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Fatigue and Pain
What is an anti-inflammatory diet really? Learn the foods to routinely include in your diet to reduce inflammation and the laboratory tests to measure your progress.
What is a Low Histamine Diet?
An intolerance to histamine is not considered a typical food allergy, but a pseudo-food allergy. Just as with a typical food allergy, avoidance is key. Read what foods are highest in histamine.
A Keto Diet for ME/CFS & Fibro
Have you heard about a ketogenic diet? This is a diet those in the ME/CFS and Fibro community might want to get to know...mitochondrial, immune cell, and brain effects explained
The Best Diet for Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia: Part II
In Part I, we saw how a high carbohydrate diet can be detrimental to many aspects of health important to CFS and fibromyalgia patients—including the gut, hormones, mitochondria, and brain health. So what should those with CFS or fibromyalgia eat?
The Best Diet for Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
In Part I, we focus on the very basics of a diet that is ideal for those with CFS or fibromyalgia. I give you 5 reasons to reconsider your current dietary approach.
3 Steps to Heal a Leaky Gut
Gastrointestinal symptoms? Probiotics worsen symptoms? In today’s post I’ll walk you through a 3-step process to heal and restore the gut for long-lasting results.
Cellular Spring Cleaning: Intermittent Fasting for MECFS
Do you ever wish that you could give your cells a healthy dose of Spring cleaning? You can. Find out the benefits for fasting for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (MECFS)
Should We All Go Gluten-Free?
A recent study looked at gluten-free diets for fibromyalgia patients. The results? Over half of the patients improved and some entered complete remission!
Top 3 Foods to Avoid with Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia
A total dietary overhaul may be unappealing and overwhelming to many. But with a diagnosis of CFS or Fibromyalgia, dietary changes can make a BIG difference in symptoms. Try removing these 3 foods from your diet and see if your symptoms improve.