Nutrition + Diet for Chronic Fatigue and Pain

 A Diet for Chronic Fatigue & Pain

Learn diet and nutritional strategies to manage the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (MECFS), fibromyalgia, and long-haul COVID. You can improve your health through diet and proper nutrition. The outcome is a truly personalized diet for chronic fatigue, pain, and brain fog. Enjoy this educational platform with specific nutrition advice for these conditions from a trained nutritionist with over 20 years of experience as a person with ME/CFS & fibromyalgia.

A Nutritionist Specializing in Chronic Fatigue

Meet Dr. Courtney Craig

First diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome as a teen, I spent
nearly two decades of learning to get my health back.

Using both conventional
medicine and functional medicine, I was able to improve my debilitating
fatigue and brain fog.

I believe diet should be the foundation of any treatment plan. My main focus is on eliminating diet-induced inflammation and promoting nutrient-dense eating habits.

I am passionate about sharing hope and healing through food for those with post-viral illnesses.

  • <autoplay speed=6></autoplay> What are others saying?

    “I found Dr. Craig to be approachable, patient, and empathetic—for me, the fact that she has experienced this disease first-hand gives her unique insight. She was open-minded when it came to discussing my own ideas and experiences, and the advice she gave me was clearly grounded in an extensive knowledge of the relevant science and research.”

    — RACHEL, U.K.

  • What are others saying?

    “Dr. Craig helped me get my life back after severe mold illness. I am so grateful to have found someone to acknowledge my condition as real, and then know the steps to recover.”


  • What are others saying?

    “Dr. Craig is very open and a free thinker but is grounded in facts at the same time. She is not closed off to your ideas either and seems very concerned with really helping her patients.”


  • What are others saying?

    “With her personal experience plus her deep grounding in nutrition and diet, Dr. Craig provides a unique and much needed viewpoint on how to tackle chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM). Her insights have greatly benefited the readers of Health Rising.”


  • What are others saying?

    “Dr. Craig has the ability to break down cold and intimidating medical concepts in her podcast with a friendly warmth that makes you feel as if you are sitting over coffee and discussing them with a helpful friend. ”


  • What are others saying?

    “Dr. Craig is not only a brilliant practitioner, but she’s got culinary skills to match!


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